Saturday 17 July 2010


The results of a £3.7 million government funding programme for Margate and Cliftonville West are being described as “a great success story” with impressive results from the four year scheme.

The money came into the area from the Safer, Stronger Communities Fund (SSCF) and was used to help support a total of 107 local projects, which included 20 outreach posts, between April 2006 and March 2010, when the programme of funding ended. Now a new report has been produced, looking at the impact of the money and the difference it has made in the area.

Along with SSCF money, an additional £1.5 million of cash from partners and in-kind contributions was also pumped into the area during the four year period.
Some of the major projects funded by the money included:
·         Improvements to Dane Park, including new lighting, a new children’s play area, a hard court for ball games, a new café and refurbishment of the park benches and railings.
·         A new Viking-themed children’s play area
·         Extra road sweeping units to improve street cleanliness.
  • A dedicated Waste Enforcement Officer for the area.
  • A weekly doorstep recycling collection and better recycling facilities.
·         Two extra PCSOs and one additional Community Warden for the area.
·         CCTV cameras in several areas, including the Old Town in Margate.
·         Street lighting improved in 18 streets in Cliftonville West.
·         Two local community centres, one in each ward, were refurbished.
·         Improvements made to 11 other buildings used by local people.
·         People were given the chance to get involved a wide range of activities in their communities, including sport, arts, dance and local events.
·         Two mobile vans for local voluntary sector youth outreach services to provide youth engagement activities across the two wards.
·         A wide range of additional activities for young people.
·         Local groups received money for projects in their neighbourhoods, supported by community workers, funded by the scheme. Over 70% of projects were led by voluntary or community groups.
·         Two mini buses for the Thanet Community Transport Association.
·         Money provided a disabled access desk, a hearing induction loop, and easy listening posts at Thanet’s Gateway Plus.
·         Two Citizen’s Advice Bureau Information Kiosks were funded, one in the Thanet Gateway Plus and one in St. Paul’s Community Centre.

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These 107 projects had a major impact on the local area, as shown by the new research:

·         Consultation events involved nearly half of the population of the two wards (over 5,000 people).
·         4,485 local people volunteered for SSCF funded activities, providing over 41,000 volunteer hours and helping to support nearly 11,000 other local people.
·         56 indoor and outdoor public spaces were improved, of these half were done through community led projects.
·         Nearly 28,000 young people benefitted from activities targeted at them. 
·         Security was improved at 77 homes and businesses, with more than 3,500 personal items security marked.
·         246 Fixed Penalty Notices and 1,240 enforcement actions targeted fly-tippers and littering.
·         173,918 local people took advantage of the improved access to services, including 112,000 at Thanet’s Gateway Plus.
·         123 adults achieved a qualification and, of these, 37 went on to continue with further education.
·         Almost 52,000 people received access to advice and training
·         14 local people were employed full time, eight of which remain employed in these posts, and 17 part-time jobs were provided, seven of these remain employed in these posts.
Cllr. Chris Wells, Cabinet Member for Community Services, said: “Residents in Margate and Cliftonville West were clear from the beginning about what they wanted the SSCF money to do. They told us that they wanted to see change on the ground, rather than talk about it. That’s exactly what the team has done over the last four years. People wanted clean, safe places they would feel good about using and there have been huge strides in achieving that during the programme. They also wanted the number of opportunities available to them increased, so that they could show their potential. Again, the SSCF programme has done that.”
Although the SSCF money has now finished, many of the projects put in place are still continuing, using alternative means of funding.


Cheryl Pendry
Press and Media Manager
Thanet District Council

Tel:  01843 577 034
Fax: 01843 295 343

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